Where we nurture bonds and cook projects...
“The kitchen is small but the heart is big!”
Although not very large, our kitchen is centrally located within our house. In here, many things happen beyond the activity of cooking. It is both a meeting point and an excuse for take a break from daily work between the ´ace team ´ace team, the artists in residence, the visitors and guest curators who often join us.
We strongly believe that food is an art as well as a common ground between cultures and people. This is why we make our lunch hour a ritual in which we all, at the same time and together, meet to enjoy a light meal homemade prepared with fresh local products. Many times the residents also collaborate cooking a typical food of their country.
Spices from India, yellow chile pepper from Peru, teas from Korea, chocolates from Switzerland, Mexican tortillas and a multitude of products have traveled in our artists’ suitcases to provide a special ingredient to these memorable encounters.
Thus, we make each lunch an opportunity to exchange customs, flavors and knowledge, or celebrate birthdays, but above all, make the exchange richer through sharing stories and affections.