

Tomasz Matczak

18.02.19 01.03.19

As part of its exchange program with the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz, Poland, Fundación´ace hosted Tomasz Matczak, PhD in Arts and Associated Professor at the Lithography Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts at Strzemińsk, in the same country.

During his residency, Tomasz exhibited his work Atmospheres and gave an algraphy workshop for the local artistic community at ´ace’s workshop.

Tomasz often reduces the colour scale concentrating on subtle variations of tones to create a specific, intimate atmosphere which invites the observer to somehow enter the world of his imagination. He starts with taking photographic and pastel sketches from nature. Based on these drawings, he starts his work on the print experimenting with lithographic techniques –algraphy, polyester plates or ferrography–, the innovative method using iron plates as an alternative for lime stone. Digital technology allows him to combine different images together, control the quality of colour, its intensity and brightness on every inch of the print. He also works on the textures and use different layers of colours trying to follow the lesson of Italian and Dutch Masters of painting.


Dr TOMASZ MAZACK (1977, Lodz, Polonia)


Doctorado en Artes y Profesor Asociado en el Estudio de Litografía de la Academia de Bellas Artes de Strzemiński,  desde 2006 es además director del curso “Diversidad Gráfica” en PATA: Cursos de Verano de Grabado y Arte Textil en la Academia de Bellas Artes, Lodz, Polonia.

Tomasz lleva a cabo investigaciones sobre la ampliación de las posibilidades de la impresión planográfica, mediante el uso de placas de poliéster, la técnica de ferrografía con placas de hierro y métodos no tóxicos para crear matrices litográficas.


Ha realizado exposiciones individuales en Polonia y en los Países Bajos. Se especializa en litografía e impresión digital. Participó en más de 70 exposiciones colectivas nacionales e internacionales en Polonia y en el extranjero, entre otros en Urbino, Kochi, Sarcelles-Val, Varna, Yokosuka, Edmonton, Ostrava y Vernon.

Related Activities


Tomasz Matczak

20.02.19 01.03.19

In February 2019, we had the pleasure of receiving Tomasz Matczak as a guest artist in our International Program and to exhibit a body of his graphic work at the Poliglota Room in our studio at Fundación´ace . Parallel to his visit, the artist delivered a workshop and participated of a full day of activities with Argentinean artists that was open to the public and the local artistic community.

ATMOSPHERES (by Tomasz Matczak)

My prints are the fruit of continuous observation of the natural phenomena. I am fascinated with the unique atmosphere created by light and colour in different landscapes and the emotions they evoke. In my works, I try to render the magic climate of the nature that surrounds me.

I transform simple sketches into more monumental visions suggesting the metaphysical meaning of what happens around us. The main theme of some of my works is the meeting of the sky and the earth and the exchange of energy between them. In horizontal format I try to depict big powers of nature.

I often reduce the colour scale concentrating on subtle variations of tones to create a specific, intimate atmosphere which invites the observer to somehow enter the world of my imagination.

I start taking photographic and pastel sketches from nature. Based on these drawings, I start working on the print. I like to experiment with lithographic techniques –algraphy, polyester plates or ferrography–, the innovative method using iron plates as an alternative for lime stone. Digital technology allows me to combine different images together, control the quality of colour, its intensity and brightness on every inch of the print. I make various proofs of print to choose the best colour scale and I print in several layers. I also work on the textures and use different layers of colours trying to follow the lessons of the Italian and Dutch Masters of painting.

Related artists

PhD Tomasz Matczak (1977,  Łódź, Poland)

Graduated from the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. Diploma at the Studio of Lithographic Techniques at the same academy. Doctor in Art (PhD).

Since 2004 teacher’s assistant at Professor Witold Warzywoda’s Studio of Lithographic Techniques. Since 2013 teacher of the International Summer Courses PATA held in Łódź, first as an assistant and since 2016 running his course entitled “Graphic Diversity”.

He holds 8 solo exhibitions in Poland and in The Netherlands. He specializes in lithography and digital print. He participated in over 70 national and international group exhibitions of printmaking in Poland and abroad, among others in Urbino, Kochi, Sarcelles-Val, Varna, Yokosuka, Edmonton, Ostrava and Vernon.

´aceNITE, Exhibitions

Intangible Territories
Artists in dialogue


On Wednesday February 20th, our first ´aceNITE of the year took place, opening the exhibitions of guest artists Alicja Habisiak-Matczak, Probable Spaces and Tomasz Matczak Atmospheres, from the Sztuk Pięknych Academy of Art and Design in Lodz (Poland).

At the same time, our artists in residence presented their projects: Camila Salcedo Guevara (Venezuela/Canada) performed her piece Miss Universe/o: Comandanta America, and Micaela Muzi (Córdoba, Argentina) exhibited her installation Controversia límite / desborde, a project that seeks, taking geometry as a metaphor for social regime, to investigate biological, technological and social transversalities that intervene in the construction of subjectivity in individuals.

Guillermo Mena (Córdoba, Argentina), artist awarded a scholarship by Fundación´ace, made a micro-Residency at the end of 2018 working in the transversal space. In this ´aceNITE, Guillermo presented Paisaje redundante e irrecuperable, site-specific mural done with charcoal and the record of “imprints” (rescuing the ephemeral drawing material contained in those walls).

Encounters, Workshops

Grafik Lodz
Artists in Dialogue


On Wednesday, February 27th, we shared a full day with guest artists Alicja Habisiak-Matczak and Tomasz Matczak, professors of the Academy of Fine Arts of Lodz in Poland and of the international workshops PATA (Printmaking and Textil Art).

The meeting began with a conference and artist talk by Alicja Habisiak-Matczak, who spoke of her work exhibited in the Políglota Room as well as about PATA, the summer workshops in printmaking and textile art of the Academy of Fine Arts of Lodz that she directs. The talk also addressed the activities of the Academy in the disciplines of graphic and textile art as well as the art traditions of Lodz, a city is famous for its Textile Art Triennial and textile production, as well as the high quality of their design and engraving.

Alicja travelled to Buenos Aires as part of an exchange agreement that Fundación´ace has with the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Lodz, Poland, where she’s the Director of Techniques of Intaglio Studio and coordinator of the International Summer Courses PATA (Printmaking and Textile Art).

After lunch and networking, Tomasz Matczak taught an Algraphy workshop to share new non-toxic techniques of lithography with colleagues from the local art community.


11.00 hs coffee and accreditations
11.30 hs  conference and talk with Alicja Habisiak- Matczak
13.00 hs lunch and networking
14.00 hs to 17.00 hs algraphy workshop by Tomasz Matczak


Artists and professors of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Lodz, Poland. Alicja is the director of the Workshops of Intaglio and the founder and current coordinator of PATA (Printmaking and Textil Art) international summer courses housed in the same academy.

Alicja is, since 2004, Professor and currently the Head of the Intaglio Techniques Studio. Since 2013 she has been the initiator and coordinator of the International Summer Courses Printmaking and Textile Art (PATA) at her home Academy. She graduated from the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. Post-graduate studies and courses in printmaking at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino, Italy and at the International Art Centre KAUS Urbino. She has exhibited 18 times, and has participated in 140 international group exhibitions, receiving many awards for her work.

Tomasz has a Doctorate in Arts, is in charge of the Lithography Workshops and teaches his own course, “Graphic Diversity”, within the PATA International Program.


Algraphy workshop
Tomasz Matczak


As part of an exchange partnership that Fundación´ace has with the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Lodz, Poland, guest artist Tomasz Matczak, conducted a workshop on non-toxic methods in lithography and will shared his experiences and technical discoveries with the participants. This was part of a full-day encounter with Tomasz and Alicja Habisiak-Matczak, who gave a conversational conference about the exhibition she showed at the Políglota Room and her work as head of the PATA workshops, in the Arts and Design Academy, Lodz, Poland.

ABOUT ALGRAPHY (introduction to non-toxic litho)

Algraphy is an alternative lithographic technique using aluminium plate as matrix.
One of its types is called “kitchen litho” because of the simplicity of the process and the availability of the materials needed. The drawing is made on kitchen aluminium foil with any greasy or permanent drawing material – soap, lithographic crayons, eye pencil, soft pencils, permanent markers, ball pens, etc. The plate doesn’t need to be grained which saves a lot of time. The etching agent is also easily available – it is the phosphoric acid found in drinks such as Cola.

This technique doesn’t require lithographic press—prints can be made or intaglio press or even without any press with simple tools, like a spoon or a bookbinding bone. It is becoming very popular worldwide and many artists develop their own versions of this method.

Related artists


PhD Tomasz Mazack (1977, Lodz, Poland)

PhD in Art and Associate Professor at the Lithography Studio of the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź , since 2006 he heads “Graphic Diversity”  Course at PATA: Printmaking and Textil Art Summer Courses. academy of Fine Arts, Lodz, Poland.

He conducts research on extending the possibilities of planographic print, using polyester plates, ferrographic technique with iron plates and non-toxic methods of creating lithographic matrices.


FIG Bilbao XII
Artists in dialogue

23.11.23 26.11.23

The International Print and Paper Art Fair in Bilbao, FIG Bilbao, celebrated its twelfth edition at the Euskalduna Palace, a venue located in the heart of the city of Bilbao in Spain. The fair took place from November 23 to 26 and featured a comprehensive program of activities related to Paper Art, with Japan being the guest country.

This twelfth edition brought together more than forty national and international print galleries and publishers, as well as over 500 artists. With almost 10,000 visitors, the fair continues to establish itself as a key meeting point for print and paper art. This art event in the Basque Country also becomes one of the main cultural attractions in Bilbao, as recognized by national and international media.

Invited by its organizers and partners at Open Buenos Aires – FIG Bilbao and the ARTHAZI Association – the ´ace Contemporary Art Foundation participated in Stand #10, featuring Polish artists Alicja Habisiak-Matzack, Jolanta Rustka-Habisiak, and Tomasz Matzack from the Academy of Arts and Design in Lodz, Poland. In addition, our director, Alicia Candiani, was invited to participate as a member of the international jury in the “Cubes of Temptations,” a program aimed at Fine Arts students in their final years of education. This year, the cubes featured emerging artists from Kyoto City University of Arts (KCUA) and the University of the Basque Country.

November 23 – 26 , 2023
Palacio Euskalduna
Bilbao, Spain

Artist-in-Residence International Program

View map

International Airport

Ministro Pistarini- Ezeiza (EZE)
Buenos Aires
45' to 60' trip

Domestic Airport

Aeroparque Jorge Newbery
Buenos Aires


38, 39, 41, 42, 59, 63, 65, 67, 68, 151, 152, 161, 184, 194 and 168 (stop in the front door)


D Line (Green)
Olleros Station (4 blocks, 4')


Mitre Line (either to Leon Suarez or Mitre)
Colegiales Station (1 block, 1')

The Latin America's Paris

Buenos Aires is Argentine Republic's capital city. With 15,000,000 inhabitants, it is one of the largest cities in Latin America and one of the 10 most populous urban centers in the world. Its cosmopolitan and urban character vibrates to the rhythm of a great cultural offer that includes monuments, churches, museums, art galleries, opera, music and theaters; squares, parks and gardens with old groves; characteristic neighborhoods; large shopping centers and fairs. Here we also find a very good lodging facilities, with accommodation ranging from hostels to five-star hotels of the main international chains. Buenos Aires also show off about its variety of restaurants with all the cuisines of the world, as well as to have cafes and flower kiosks on every corner.

A neighborhood founded on the Jesuit farms in the 17th century

We are located in Colegiales neighborhood where the tree-lined streets, some of which still have their original cobblestones, invite you to walk. Although the apartment buildings advance, low houses still predominate. It is a district of the city where about 20 TV production companies, design studios, artist workshops and the Rock&Pop radio have been located. The neighborhood also has six squares, one of which pays homage to Mafalda, the Flea Market, shops, restaurants and cafes like its neighboring Barrios de Palermo and Belgrano, with which it limits.

Artist-in-Residence International Program

2024 Open Call #4
Residencies 2024-2025
October 31st, 2024

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