Costa Rica
Mauricio Herrero
Together Apart: #Nest
14.10.20 04.11.20
Mauricio Herrero
1981 | New York, USA
Lives in San José, Costa Rica
2017 | Master in Visual Arts and Education-University of Barcelona, Spain
2011 | MFA in Fine Arts-Parsons The New School for Design, New York, USA.
2009 | Degree in Plastic Arts with an emphasis in Engraving, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica
2007 | Bach. in Plastic Arts with an emphasis in Engraving, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica
2017 | Contemporary Parallels XII-Oscar Román Gallery-Mexico City, Mexico
2015 | From Green to Gray. Contemporary Costa Rican Art in New York-Art Directors Club-New York, USA
2011 | MFA Thesis Show-The Kitchen-New York, USA
2008 | Festival Ingráfica Award-Iglesia de la Merced Cuenca, Spain
2007 and 2009 | Biennial La Joven Estampa Award-House of the Americas-Havana, Cuba
2019 | Spanish Cultural Center / Casa Caníbal, San José, Costa Rica
2017 | Espai de Creació Zona 230, Barcelona, Spain
2013 | Proyecto ´ace, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2007 | Experimental Graphics Workshop / Casa de las Américas, Havana, Cuba
2008 | First Place Student Award, Visual Arts Contest in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Agreement between the University of Costa Rica and the University of Kansas-San José, Costa Rica