Ioulia Akhmadeeva
22.02.21 15.03.21
Hybrid person. Mexican visual artist of Russian origin. She is also a teacher and researcher. She carries within itself many worlds and cultures.
The main theme in my production and research is memory with the recording and construction of narratives in various formats, techniques and disciplines. My family, their origin, migrations, paths of destiny, ties between people, are my starting points on a long walk through labyrinths of life and art.
Nothing lasts forever and at the same time it does. Memory registered, drawn, recorded, embroidered, recycled, encapsulated, transferred, modified, intervened, contained, stopped …
My works are based on the idea of the trace, of the impression, of memorizing and immortalizing the memories on and within the related images, pages and objects.
It was the wonderful experience in the residency of Proyecto ´ace online, an excellent combination between academics and creative work. With a common concept, including the personal project and the team project, with all the facets that these collaborations carry.
I learned many tools for remote work. I liked hearing from the guest artists, the feedback from the project curator and the organizers. And discover that we have many ideas and experiences in common to share.
I reflected on the border issue and started the development of the project “On the edge of conscience” from my conclusions on the latest events in Russia: the rigged vote in favor of Putin’s renewal, attempted assassination of his opponent Alexey Navalny, his arrest and wrongful imprisonment.
The Navalny Fund investigation posted on YouTube about Putin’s palace and his corrupt government with supporting documents. The peaceful demonstrations in 110 Russian cities in January 2021, the arrest of thousands of people, the violence of OMON and the police against the street protestors.
Facing the end of freedom of expression and the geopolitics imposed by Putin, praised by the other half of the population that is ignorant and manipulated by his speech.
Internal borders, our internal consciousness, the need to take a position and manifest oneself, the fear and conformity of others. Among whom I can find lifelong friends.
Border, fence, border, red line, two sides of the same coin were my key words. First I looked for images from the journalistic chronicles: for and against. The next step was to join the images; the embroidery pattern with the red thread with the metal fences that the police forces put up to prevent the nonconformists from entering.
The experience of the collective work was enriching. Finding the connections of the three participants, from our cultural hybridity: Russian in Mexico, Argentine in Australia and Brazilian in the United States. We have generated our own space with a unique language, creating and overcoming the borders with the common red thread.
Ioulia Akhmadeeva
1971 Krasnodar, Federación Rusa
Lives and works in Morelia, Michoacán, México
1996 | Master in Plastic Arts. Specialty in Graphic and Easel Art (Honorary Mention.), Institute“V. I. Súrikov”, Russian National Academy of Plastic Arts, Moscow, Russia
2008 | Doctorate in Pedagogical Sciences, higher level artistic education, Kuban National University, Faculty of Graphic Arts, degree awarded by the Moscow National Pedagogical University, Russia.
2021 | “Escrituras tangibles. Ioulia Akhmadeeva” – Palacio Clavijero, Morelia, Mexico
2020 | “Desde y par la memoria. Ioulia Akhmadeeva” – Museo de Arte MACJ INBA- Ciudad Juárez, Mexico
2017 | Exposición “PROTEST ≠ PROFEST: GLOBAL BURDENS ” Center for Book Arts CFBA, New York, USA
2017 | Awagami International Miniature Print Exhibition AIMPE, Tokushima, Japan
2019 | 2022 | Miembro y becario del Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte en Mexico, (SNCA), Mexico
2019 | Honorary Mention – short list en Awagami International Miniature Print Exhibition (‘AIMPE’), Tokushima, Japan
2017 | Honorary Mention in IV International Print Biennal “Rider” -Kazan, Tatarsta, Russia
2015 | Honorary Mention in III Concurso Internacional de Libros de Artista (LIA) 2015 | Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
2003| First Prize in the XI Concurso Nacional de Grabado “José Guadalupe Posada” – Aguascalientes, Mexico
2015 | 2017| 2019| International Networks: Artist’s Book Fire and Symposium CODEX, Richmond, USA
2018 | Paper Works, Mexico
2016 | MASQUELIBROS, Madrid, Spain
| Center for Book Arts, New York, USA
| Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
| Museum of Fine Arts F. I. Kovalenko, Krasnodar, Russia
| State Museum at Majdanek, Lublin, Poland