Guadalupe Arriegue
We See the Same Sky
11.06.21 17.12.21
Guadalupe Arriegue
1986 | Argentina
2013 | Bachelor’s degree in Literature, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UBA, Argentina), orientation in Argentinian and Latin American Literature
2019 | Multiverso, Museo Arquidiocesano, Festival de Fotografía de Barbastro, Huesca, España
2017 | Yeguas, Festival Internacional de Fotografía de Valparaíso, Chile
2014 | Ciencia Ficción, Laboratorio Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2021 | Scenic exploration residency with Paula Herrera Nóbile, Espacio Granate, Delta del Tigre, Argentina
2019 | Photography and politics workshop with Andrea Josch y Cora Gamarnik, Bienal de Fotografía Documental Argentina, Famaillá, Tucumán, Argentina
2020 | Malba Literatura, Argentina
2019 | Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Argentina
2018 | Festival BPHOTO, España
2018 | Revuelta, visual poetry publication selected by the Festival SCANphotobooks (Spain) and Zum magazine (Brazil)
2018–present | professor of Vision and Photographic Analysis (Documentary Filmmaking career) and History of Photography I (Photography career), Escuela de Arte y Patrimonio, Universidad Nacional de San Martín
2016–present | researcher at Centro de Investigaciones Artísticas y Patrimoniales (UNSAM-Conicet)