Gastón Goulu
27.05.13 31.05.13
For this micro-residency Gastón Goulu will work in a series of intervened waterless lithography. The series is already in progress, is part of a framework within the Degree in Drawing that Gastón is doing currently in Córdoba City.
Gastón starts with the representations of some of the Anatomy Museum’s (Clinique Hospital of Córdoba, Argentina) preparations, human bodies or parts of human bodies, embalmed, chemically preserved, that are regularly used as material of study in Medicine. His representation is very mimetic but the beings are presented in other contexts, with new meanings, the artist makes some changes in the proportions, colors and facial expressions.
There are three concepts that weave this series. Generally speaking the concepts are: death as reminder, time as the solvent agent of life and, the preservation of the bodies in a sleeping and dreamlike, endless and forced state. The people kept in the Museums cabinets only differ from the spectator in a matter of a time that has passed. The gentle expression of their severed heads or their static but naturally lax parts, suspended in formalin, suggest almost a dream state. During all the years of captivity this dormant life and activity degrade very few.
My artistic activity in relation with this people consists in trying to interpret and represent what I think happens inside that jars. Sometimes it is necessary to add new elements that help to build a dreamlike atmosphere. Still, many times is the expression of the face itself that helps me to infer a feeling or thought and only by emphasizing a gesture I can find what matters.
Gastón Goulu
1987 | Born in Córdoba, Argentina
Grew up in Catamarca, Argentina
Diploma in Drawing and Sculpture, Escuela Superior de Bellas “Dr. José Figueroa Alcorta”. Córdoba, Argentina
2012 | Technicature in Visual Arts, Escuela Superior de Bellas “Dr. José Figueroa Alcorta”. Córdoba, Argentina
2013 | Concejo Deliberante de la Ciudad de Córdoba. Córdoba, Argentina
2012 | Skulls Series, Drawings 2010-2012. Ciudad de las Artes. Córdoba, Argentina
2012 | The Line, Drawings. Ciudad de las Artes. Córdoba, Argentina
2009 | Printmaking: Exchange projects Córdoba-Rosario. Escuela de Artes Plásticas “Manuel Munsto”. Rosario – Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes “Dr. José Figueroa Alcorta”. Córdoba, Argentina