Chris Bradd
The Broken Coast
10.04.23 09.06.23
Chris Bradd
1973 | Canada
Lives and works in Toronto, Canada
2011 | PhD inSocial & Political Thought, ABD. York University, Canada
2001 | MA Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism. Western University, Canada
1998 | BA in Cultural Studies, Philosophy. Trent University, Canada
2022 | Sculpture Centre of Canada
2022 | Algophobia III. Gallery 1313, Toronto, Canada
2021 | Underneath. Art Gallery of Bancroft, Bancroft, Canada
2021 | Altered Images at Hand. Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival, Toronto, Canada
2020 | Off the Screen. Propeller Gallery, Toronto, Canada
2021 | Foreword: Language and Crisis in the Time of the Pandemic, published in “Languages of Economic Crises” (Ed. S. Scott) New York: Routledge. ix-xv. Bradd, Christopher and Sonya Marie Scott.
2010 – 2012 | Contract Faculty, Department of Art History, York University (Toronto, Canada)
2009 – 2010 | Accredited Researcher, Biblioteca Nacional de la República de la Argentina (Buenos Aires, Argentina)