
United States of America

Ardine Nelson
Transitory States

11.03.24 05.04.24

Born in Chicago, the big city, Ardine Nelson spent her first 16 summers on her grandparents grain farm in the middle of North Dakota. With this upbringing, it is not surprising that she’s drawn to both the natural world and the built landscape. Ardine has taught photography and related computer programs since 1972, and her relationship to the materials of her field has been a life-long learning experience that constantly influences her art. Wabi-sabi… A world view centred on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. An aesthetic sometimes described as one of beauty that is ”imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete”. Recognizing this aesthetic has become important to Ardine and will continue to influence her work no matter the subject in front of her lens.


My long-term interest in landscape, urban landscape, land usage, regeneration and man’s effect on the land continues to influence my visual ideas. My most current body of work, Transitory States, references this interest through the making of images documenting the life cycle of plants. Certain flowers last only a day (or night) before beginning to age and die. This process of discovering the visual beauty of the aging plant materials applies to all stages we humans pass through as we age.

Counter to the normal expectation of “beautiful color”, these faded, muted tones instead directs the viewer to consider the life cycle emphasising the notion of all life cycles in our world with the longest, that of our universe and the shortest, the adult female mayfly living for merely five minutes. Everything else cycles somewhere between the two. The flower is ever changing as it fades, dries and may begin to grow mould.

Ardine Nelson
1948 | Chicago, Illinois, USA
Lives and works in Columbus, Ohio, USA

1972 | MFA Photography, Univeristy of Iowa, USA
1971 | MA Sculpture/Photography, Northern Illinois University, USA
1970 | BS in Art Education, Northern Illinois University, USA

2025 | Transitory States. A.I.R. Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, USA
2024 | Transitory States. Parkersburg Art Center, USA
2023 | Art-Focused: Ardine Nelson. Bonfoey Gallery, Cleveland, USA
2023 | Transitory States. McConnell Art Center, Worthington, Ohio, USA

John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship
Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, research and development grant for Green Spaces, USA
Greater Columbus Arts Council Fellowship to individual Artist, Ohio Arts Council Fellowship to Individual Artis Photography, USA
Distinguish Teaching Award: The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

Related Activities

Open Studio

Landscapes of Experience
Artists in dialogue


On April 4, 2024, we held the second Open Studio of the year, presenting the works of March-April residents Zhino Yousefi, Ardine Nelson, Fred Marsh, Geneviève LeDuc, and Ioulia Akhmadeeva.

Zhino Yousefi (an Iranian-born, Canadian-raised artist now living in the United States) presented her installation Iranian Whispers: A Zen Garden in the Polyglot Room. Ardine Nelson shared the results of her stay in Buenos Aires, a presentation with the photographs she took of our local flowers and plants. and Fred Marsh showed the photolithographs that he made from a photographic series of cave paintings in the Dialogue Space. Geneviève LeDuc presented a pictorial intervention with colossal female figures guarding the 4 corners of the terrace space, as part of her Palimpsest Project mural painting residency. Finally, Ioulia Akhmadeeva shared with the local public, and with part of the Russian diaspora she interviewed in Buenos Aires, the process she carried out as part of her Production Residency researching Russian families who recently emigrated to Buenos Aires. Aires.

We shared these works with an interested public, which was attended by members of the CCEBA-Centro Cultural de Buenos Aires in Argentina, local artists, members of the Russian diaspora residing in Buenos Aires, and friends and family of ´ace and the artists. .

April 4th, 2024
3PM to 6PM

Artist-in-Residence International Program

View map

International Airport

Ministro Pistarini- Ezeiza (EZE)
Buenos Aires
45' to 60' trip

Domestic Airport

Aeroparque Jorge Newbery
Buenos Aires


38, 39, 41, 42, 59, 63, 65, 67, 68, 151, 152, 161, 184, 194 and 168 (stop in the front door)


D Line (Green)
Olleros Station (4 blocks, 4')


Mitre Line (either to Leon Suarez or Mitre)
Colegiales Station (1 block, 1')

The Latin America's Paris

Buenos Aires is Argentine Republic's capital city. With 15,000,000 inhabitants, it is one of the largest cities in Latin America and one of the 10 most populous urban centers in the world. Its cosmopolitan and urban character vibrates to the rhythm of a great cultural offer that includes monuments, churches, museums, art galleries, opera, music and theaters; squares, parks and gardens with old groves; characteristic neighborhoods; large shopping centers and fairs. Here we also find a very good lodging facilities, with accommodation ranging from hostels to five-star hotels of the main international chains. Buenos Aires also show off about its variety of restaurants with all the cuisines of the world, as well as to have cafes and flower kiosks on every corner.

A neighborhood founded on the Jesuit farms in the 17th century

We are located in Colegiales neighborhood where the tree-lined streets, some of which still have their original cobblestones, invite you to walk. Although the apartment buildings advance, low houses still predominate. It is a district of the city where about 20 TV production companies, design studios, artist workshops and the Rock&Pop radio have been located. The neighborhood also has six squares, one of which pays homage to Mafalda, the Flea Market, shops, restaurants and cafes like its neighboring Barrios de Palermo and Belgrano, with which it limits.

Artist-in-Residence International Program

2024 Open Call #4
Residencies 2024-2025
October 31st, 2024

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