InQubarte is a new program of artistic training and generation of international networks for emerging creators implemented by the ´ace Foundation as part of the celebrations of the 10th anniversary of the´acePIRAR Project | International Program of Artistic Residencies.
On Wednesday, August 12, the 1st exhibition of the artists selected for the InQubarte program was inaugurated.
From the variety of works, it was possible to build an excellent sample of the infinite possibilities offered by the dialogue between the artist and the paper. From openwork (Alicia Valente and Anastasia Moiseef), serigraphs (Simon Hall), large-format works where the gesture and the artist’s body are very present (Andréz Martínez and Josemiel Platz), collage (Javier Cuberos), photography (Robin Romanski and Emilia del Valle), embroidery (Laurel Ponturo and Laura Savio), drawing (Roma Blanco, Agustín Rincón Méndez, Romina Estecher and Alejandro Pasquale)