Exhibitions, Semillero (Seedbed)
Thorns also Grow in the Silence
30.05.18 12.06.18
Florencia Nieto is an Argentinean visual and research artist, and she’s the director and co-founder of the Allaria-Nieto curatorial project, Espacio Paraguay, Bs. As. city. Florencia’s project was selected through the Semillero open call, and its exhibition opened in the ´aceNITE of May 30th, 2018.
Thorns also Grow in the Silence (by Florencia Nieto)
In front of the silent sheet I make the first cut, the configuration of that vast territory is bankrupt. In front of my eyes I observe that there is no return, after the first spine rises there is no turning back, the damage is done. I can only move forward. Thorns also Grow in the Silence is an exercise of introspection that builds through cutting the paper a universe at times painful, for others disturbing. A stubborn and methodical exercise that ends with the result of a paper that acquires body and time, which stands in space affecting who approaches it.
The bristling paper lodges under its body, of lights and shadows, intentions that reminds us of Gastón Bachelard: at the bottom of the matter grows a dark vegetation; in the night of the matter they black flowers bloom. They already bring their velvet and the formula of their perfumes.
Florencia Nieto
1982 | Argentina