On October 16, the International Self-Portraits Project was inaugurated at Proyecto´ace’s Políglota Room, with the presence of Joseph Scheer, professor and co-director of the Institute of Electronic Arts (IEA) at Alfred University and Aodi Liang, Associate Researcher at the same university. Both of them traveled to Buenos Aires to carry out different activities, which included giving a lecture within the framework of the MFA- Master of Electronic Arts at UNTREF/University of Tres de Febrero (Scheer) and an production residence at Proyecto´ace (Liang).
The Self-Portraits Project is a collection of international artworks developed under the direction of Argentinean artist Alicia Candiani, whose original idea was to bring together artists from diverse cultures to visually explore the theoretically complex issues of self-representation as a means of identity. After its launch date in 2006, Alicia has been invited by nine art institutions from Argentina, Mallorca and Cuenca in Spain, Brazil, Canada, Sweden as well as Kansas City, Montclair and Anchorage, Alaska in the United States to execute the project.
In 2018, during her stay in the Expanded Media Division of Alfred University in New York, USA, Alicia developed the topic of self-representation during a semester with her students among the Artists’ Multiples course. Joseph Scheer and Andrew Deutsch, a sound artist and Director of the Expanded Media Division, participated as guest artists. Along with them, other teachers from the division such as Judy Livingston (Associate Professor Graphic Design), William Contino (Associate Professor Expanded Media) and Myles Calvert (Visiting Faculty Art & Design) joined the project with their self-representations.