R/r: Residencias en residencia 2022
National meeting of artistic residencies
14.07.22 17.07.22
On Saturday, July 16, 2022, we received emissaries from the projects that make up QUINCHO—Argentinian Network of Artistic Residencies, together with representatives of the Ministry of Culture of the Argentine Nation. This meeting took place within the framework of the R/r program: Residences in residency, which took place from July 14 to 17, 2022. On this day, July 16th, the second face-to-face meeting of QUINCHO was held, which brings together the art residences of all the national territory. The project was carried out in partnership with the CCEBA—Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires and the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires, as part of the program FUTURA: tools for a culture in movement. The activities took place at CCEBA (day 1), and at the residencies Proyecto´ace (day 2) and Casa Belgrado (day 3), with the participation of more than 20 residences from all over the country.
R/r is a collaborative work space to rethink practices, search for strategies for sustainability in the post-pandemic context, generate new alliances, and reach consensus that consolidate the work in the QUINCHO network in the long term. The meetings were also an opportunity for the guests and guests to learn about the work carried out by the residences in Argentina in a collaborative way. Cultural managers were part of the program along with representatives of national and international institutions, who also participated in the talks, workshops and events.
The meetings were a unique opportunity for cultural managers from residences throughout the country to get to know each other and share significant work time, as bringing together more than twenty residences from all over the country and engaging in a productive dialogue is vital to sustain collaborative work and generate new projects.
R/r—Residences in residency
July 14th to 17th, 2022
Buenos Aires, Argentina
July 16th: meeting of the QUINCHO network with the Ministry of Culture of the Argentine Nation in Fundación´ace
- Lucrecia Cardoso (Secretary of Cultural Development)
- Luis “Chino” Sanjurjo (Director of Cultural Industries)
- Marcelo Dansey (Visual Arts Coordinator)
- Juan Aranovich (Director of Cultural Training)
- ´ace (CABA)
- Alberdi Residencia (Córdoba)
- Barda Confluencias (Río Negro)
- Casa Belgrado (CABA)
- Casa Estudio/B’atz’ (Córdoba)
- Casa Suiza de La Boca (CABA)
- Crudo Residencias (Rosario)
- La Flecha (Pcia. de Buenos Aires)
- La Ira de Dios (CABA)
- La Paternal Espacio Proyecto (CABA)
- La Rural (Tucumán)
- Monte Residencia (Chaco)
- Nave Ágora (CABA)
- Casa Nubera (Tucumán)
- R.A.R.O. (CABA)
- Raíces (Catamarca)
- Residencia Corazón (Pcia. de Buenos Aires)
- Residencia Epecuén (Pcia. de Buenos Aires)
- Residencia el Potrero (Entre Ríos)
- Ud. está aquí (Tierra del Fuego)
- Zona Imaginaria (Pcia. de Buenos Aires)