Las formas que ví, las formas que ves (The shapes I saw, the shapes you see)
Rinako Sonoble
29.03.23 29.03.23
In the second ‘ace Nite of the year Rinako Sonoble, ´ace resident, presented her project ¨Las formas que ví, las formas que ves¨ (The shapes I saw, the shapes you see). A work that is part of an extensive 15-month research in different printmaking workshops around the world. Her destination Buenos Aires marked the first stop in Latin America and the seventh country she visited with this project. The central question that guides her workshop travels revolves around the intrinsic qualities that distinguish each place. Whether it’s the city, the culture, the people, or the objects, the search for what makes each place unique. Through abstraction and isolation of architectural elements, she delves into the essence of artistic environments and reinterprets the places we inhabit.
The project, as a visual display, encompasses a set of images, drawings, and collages that aim to reimagine the spaces that are familiar and become naturalized to printmakers and artists who inhabit their own workshop daily. However, how well do we understand the spaces we occupy? In “The shapes I saw, the shapes you see,” the intricate patterns and forms that encompass the ‘ace workshop are revealed. Through this projection, it inspires a deeper appreciation for the complexity of our surroundings and perhaps, to discover new forms within your own workspace or home.
Wednesday, March 29th at 7pm at Estudio Abierto.