In Ícaro´s skin
Anna Nicholson
IN ICARO´S SKIN (by Anna Nicholson)
Throughout the history of art, artists have used mythological references for the construction of their imaginary. The myth of Icarus is particularly symbolic in my current circumstances. I live in Puerto Rico, a Caribbean island that is close to chaos, mired in an economic crisis that can be compared to what the Greek people suffer today. Both Icarus as Puerto Rico are fragile facing the systems that handle global economies.
I think the artifacts created to impose flight symbolically desperate repair exhaust as a disguise. Newspaper clippings, different types of fabrics, textures a selection of paperas and whispered phrases, a collage of seeds trapped in a body of changing hierarchies. Using means of reproduction and printing techniques , multiple is the form chosen for the creation of a structure that explores the image.
Anointed by the excitement of reading the Ovid; Icarus, and relating to our highest good is the time.