Geometría solar
Florencia Reisz
29.03.23 30.03.23
Geometría solar (Solar Geometry) is the project developed by Florencia Reisz during her residency at ‘ace as the winner of one of the grants awarded in OPEN BA. This work aims to reveal a situation of dimensional simultaneity, where the idea of duality and multiple universes coexisting at the same time is highlighted. It is carried out through a language that alludes to printmaking; through space (installations/specific sites), and paper (monoprints, drawings, and photographs). The construction of this work is based on the process of experimentation and deconstruction of graphic techniques, questioning traditional printmaking processes.
In her effort to bring together the borders of two formats, on the one hand, monoprints printed on paper and on the other, installations/site-specific works, the artist began working with machinery that projects light in an analog way (overhead projectors, slide projectors, reflectors, and sunlight), using the reflection of the same elements she previously used to make monoprints (tinted glasses, acetate matrices, cardboard cutouts). As a result, she obtained a series of photolithographs exposed directly to sunlight, using the reflection of geometric cutouts of 6mm tinted glass with graphic ink. They were later printed on Canson Edition paper using an intaglio press.