Eye of Borges
Dorothy M. Yoon
18.12.19 20.12.19
The Eye of Borges is the title of the work that Mi Yeon Yoon exhibited at the Políglota Room as a result of her residency at Fundación´ace.
Inspired by Borges and his blindness, the artist created an “eye” printed with black ink on fabric that included a magical world that, probably, the writer would have liked to see. This large piece constructed a dialogue with other, smaller eyes printed with red ink on paper. The magic eye that she created for Borges was related to her more recent project, This Moment is Magic, which she exhibited at the 2019 Venice Biennale and deals with a line that bridges between her life and magic. Both projects sublimate life experiences and illness in fantasy through a sense of agony, illusion, erotism and wit. Paralelly, Mi Yeon Yoon made a new set of her magical wands that refer to both the Chinese Zodiac and the Western horoscope printing them with photolithographic