CONSTELACIONES is a program designed by Red Quincho (of which ´ace is a founding member) in collaboration with the Fundación Williams. It is an opportunity for artists, researchers and curators -from all over Argentina- to participate in residencies programs, generating mobility in our artistic scenes. It is carried out with the goals of working collaboratively, promoting dialogue between the projects of the network and linking between different regions among the Argentine territory.
CONSTELACIONES is a circulation program where the residents will be articulating agents between the hosting residency spaces and the communities in which they are inserted as well as the various territories in which they re-locate.
27 residences from all over the country participate in this program, who have been grouped into pairs. Constellations (circuits made up of two residences) are designed looking forward the singularity and particularity of each of the residences that are part of the network. They present a variety of formats, facilities and territories. Thus, the exchange between the spaces of the network with different characteristics and contexts is encouraged, while offers each fellow two spaces with different and complementary characteristics to carry out his/her residence. In this way, we seek to generate instances of collaboration between the residences of the constellation and the resident artists, strengthening the network and its practices.
The selected artists, researchers and curators will have the possibility of participating in two residences during the period of one month, completing two weeks in each of the residences in pairs. Each duo has special characteristics and proposals that make it unique. Thus, the 15 pairs offer a wide range of opportunities that cover the possibility of hosting creators of very different artistic and curatorial practices. In turn, they provide the circulation of the residents through the different spaces of the constellation, that will allow them to act as pollinators of knowledge, stories and experiences.