In February 2019, we had the pleasure of receiving Tomasz Matczak as a guest artist in our International Program and to exhibit a body of his graphic work at the Poliglota Room in our studio at Fundación´ace . Parallel to his visit, the artist delivered a workshop and participated of a full day of activities with Argentinean artists that was open to the public and the local artistic community.
ATMOSPHERES (by Tomasz Matczak)
My prints are the fruit of continuous observation of the natural phenomena. I am fascinated with the unique atmosphere created by light and colour in different landscapes and the emotions they evoke. In my works, I try to render the magic climate of the nature that surrounds me.
I transform simple sketches into more monumental visions suggesting the metaphysical meaning of what happens around us. The main theme of some of my works is the meeting of the sky and the earth and the exchange of energy between them. In horizontal format I try to depict big powers of nature.
I often reduce the colour scale concentrating on subtle variations of tones to create a specific, intimate atmosphere which invites the observer to somehow enter the world of my imagination.
I start taking photographic and pastel sketches from nature. Based on these drawings, I start working on the print. I like to experiment with lithographic techniques –algraphy, polyester plates or ferrography–, the innovative method using iron plates as an alternative for lime stone. Digital technology allows me to combine different images together, control the quality of colour, its intensity and brightness on every inch of the print. I make various proofs of print to choose the best colour scale and I print in several layers. I also work on the textures and use different layers of colours trying to follow the lessons of the Italian and Dutch Masters of painting.