Semillero (Seedbed)
Andrés Garavelli
Andrés Garavelli is an Argentinean artist born in Quilmes, Province of Buenos Aires. He is a professor in Visual Arts and is a member of several artist collectives, among them the group “La mutual art-gentina”, which carries out street actions together with Juan Carlos Romero, León Ferrari, Diana Dowek, Hilda Paz and Eduardo Medici, among others, and coordinated by Pelusa Borthwick.
Andrés was selected to participate in our Semillero 2023 programme, an opportunity thanks to which he was able to exhibit his work Altar, de la serie electrodomesticadxs in our studio. In the December ´aceNITE, we invited Andrés to install his piece in our Central Hall, sharing the opening with our artists in residence from Korea (present thanks to the agreement we have with ARKO-Arts Council Korea), Zerré (artist from Venezuela based in Argentina and beneficiary of a grant-awarded in the OPEN Buenos Aires 2023) and Greg Dzurita (North American artist in Residence Exploration).
According to Walter Benjamin’s Capitalism as Religion, commodity-producing capital fictitiously feeds on its own future. Capitalist religion, according to Benjamin’s thesis, lives on a permanent indebtedness, which cannot and must not be extinguished. Capitalism generates “objects of desire” with an expiry date, which need to be constantly updated. In response to this desire, credit is taken as an act of faith. Individuals and families who increasingly resort to credit (or debit) are analogically implicated in this continuous and pervasive act of faith in the future. In the work Altar, de la serie electrodomesticadxs, the icons of a possible religious altar are replaced by symbolic elements of a mercantile and digitalised society, as an ironic way of warning about certain cult practices in relation to the objects of enjoyment of contemporaneity, exalted as “religious idols”.
Andrés Garavelli
1976 | Quilmes, Buenos Aires
2001 | Professor of Visual Arts
2004 | Seminar of University Equivalence, I.U.N.A.
2022 | National Salon of Visual Arts. Palais de Glace, CABA, Argentina
2022 & 2017 | Manuel Belgrano Exhibition. E. Sivori Museum, CABA, Argentina
2013 | 30 years of democracy (group show). UADE art Institute, CABA, Argentina
2013 | Diversa (Garavelli-Fiuza-Andreasevich). Federal Halls of the Federal Investment Council, CABA, Argentina.
2019 | 2nd Acquisition Prize XV Salón de Artes Visuales, Museum of Contemporary Art of Junín, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2018 | 1st Acquisition Prize II MAC South Award for Visual Arts, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Sur, Lanús, Bs. As.
2018 | First Mention Federal Biennial of the Federal Council of Investments, CABA, Argentina
2018 | 3rd Prize 5th UADE National Painting Competition, UADE Art Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2018 | 2nd Acquisition Prize 1st Provincial Painting Salon Lucio Correa Morales, Navarro, Buenos Aires, Argentina